Saturday, April 14, 2012

Weight a minute!

On the DIY forum rwaudio asked if I had blocked up the other 3 corners to get the same height. I had thought about that but assumed the difference was small enough it would be in the noise: cosine of the angle, blah, blah, blah... But reading the reply one of my favorite phrases popped into my head : "One test is worth a thousand expert opinions." So I tried it with wood blocks under the other 3 corners and here are the results:

FL: 80.2+76.6=156.8kg
FR: 103.4+85.4=188.8kg
RL: 97.7+80.7=178.4kg
RR: 74.4+109.7=184.1kg


That is a 200 pound difference and means I am 25lbs under where my calcs say I should be. This is only ~10% lower then my first measurement but it makes a big difference. The blocks weren't the eaxt same height so I am going to keep with my original calcs and assuming my cheapo measurement system is 25lbs optimistic.  I did do a few measurements and found it was repeatable within a couple kgs. The real answer will be when I weigh it finished but it's good to know I am on the right track (pun intended).

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